BMI, Energy, Protein, and Fluid Maintenance Calculator for Children 3-18 years old

Calculate BMI (with z-score for age) and common clinically relevant nutritional needs:

      • Energy: estimated energy requirement (EER) + selected physical activity coefficient

      • Protein: recommended daily allowance (RDA)

      • Fluid: Holliday-Segar method for maintenance requirements by weight. This calculation is most relevant for enteral nutrition and hospitalization.

Ideal Body Weight, Energy, Protein, and Fluid Maintenance Calculator for Infants and Toddlers

Calculate common clinically relevant nutritional needs:

      • Energy: estimated energy requirement (EER) calculation for infants and toddlers for standard and catch-up growth

      • Protein: recommended daily allowance (AI or RDA)

      • Fluid: Holliday-Segar method for maintenance requirements by weight. This calculation is most relevant for enteral nutrition and hospitalization.