Basic Nutritional Needs for Children, 3 - 18 years

For medical professional use only.

This calculator provides estimated needs using Dietary Reference Intakes (energy and protein) and Holliday-Segar method (fluid). These results are estimates. Predictive calculators are derived in health children. These may overestimate or underestimate needs. See below for details.

  • The calculator provides DRI estimated energy requirement (EER) for children. This is the average dietary energy intake required to maintain current weight, growth and activity level in health individuals of specific age, sex, weight, and physical activity level.

  • Provides recommended daily allowance (RDA) by age and sex. Increase for malnutrition or critical illness.
    Protein in adolescence can be based on height. See results for options.

  • Fluid estimation is applicable for enteral nutrition or hospitalization. Holliday-Segar method for maintenance requirements by weight.

  • Please use the following general guidelines for choosing physical activity.
    Sedentary: Typical living activities
    Low Active: 30-60 minutes of daily moderate activity.
    Active: 60 minutes of moderate activity daily
    Very Active: At least 60 minutes of moderate activity plus an additional 60 minutes vigorous activity or 120 minutes vigorous activity